Seize power!

Level 3 Treasure: Dark Magic Sword. This is an extremely sharp-edged magic sword that has the power to slice through gold and split jade.]

[Level 4 Skill Book: Second-order Shadow Steps. Advanced Shadow Steps Skill! Only after Shadow Steps Skill has been enhanced 3 times can this skill be learnt. After activating this skill, Agility can be increased by 90 points in a timespan of 5 minutes and 40 points of stamina are consumed.]

Yue Zhong carefully examined the Dark Magic Sword in his hands, a model similar to the Tang Sword in sharpness. Its whole body was black, the blade was 1.5m long and etched upon it were strange runes. The sword hilt had three grooves and the whole body of it exuded a cold chill.

Yue Zhong played with the Dark Magic Sword for a while and rejoiced in his heart, before immediately putting it back into his Storage Ring.

As for the Second-order Shadow Steps Skill, it was directly thrown by Yue Zhong into the Storage Ring and stored there.