Mutant Wolf Pack

Yue Zhong and a driver rode in a Hummer, following the lane leading into the weapons facility that was hidden deep within the mountains.

"Liang Hu! Fall Back! Fall Back!" All of a sudden, Yue Zhong had a premonition and he immediately shouted at the warrior responsible for driving.

Liang Hu immediately set the Hummer in reverse and retreated crazily.

From the forest, a number of giant wolves with grey fur and bodies as sturdy as lions leapt out like lightning, landing on the ground. If Xu Zhenggang had advanced earlier, he might have crashed into the midst of those giant wolves.

Yue Zhong activated his Eyes of Perception Skill and the information of the giant wolves immediately flooded into his brain:

[Level 35 Mutant Beast- Type: Mutant Grey Wolves. They possess tough skin and sharp claws, which can even tear through steel. Furthermore, they are usually gathered in packs, hence they are a tougher opponent to face.]