
Yue Zhong looked at the survivors trembling in fear and frowned. He immediately took up one of the rifles and pointed it at the head of one of them: “Did I just save a bunch of Country A monkeys? What a waste of effort, since you guys are from Country A, you guys might as well die.”

Some of the native locals were lazy, foolish, yet cruel. They were envious of the lifestyles of the rich Chinese who worked hard in their country. That was why that during each period of unrest, some of these people would launch an assault on the Chinese to snatch what they had, raping the women and not letting the children off. They were truly worse than beasts.

When Yue Zhong thought that he might have rescued some of these very people he loathed, he felt unhappy. After the apocalypse, he had already slowly grown to become extremely vicious, and he truly wouldn’t have second thoughts about killing them.