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Yue Zhong motioned for Li Ying to sit down, and observed her quietly.

Her skin was a healthy wheat colour, after cutting her hair short, coupled with her skinny frame and height of about 1.45m, she wasn’t exactly a top-rate beauty. Compared to the beautiful women like Guo Yu, Chen Yao, and Hai Lan, her looks were different. She had nice features, and looked more valiant than beauty. She was a young girl with a different charisma and aura.

Li Ying could feel Yue Zhong’s gaze and sat straight, meeting his eyes. Her eyes were filled with reverence and awe.

Within a month’s time, Yue Zhong had led their forces to take down 3 of the largest factions in the north, and had slaughtered countless locals who had killed their fellow Chinese. His decisive and merciless ways caused his name to spread far and wide, and people like Li Ying held him in high regard.