Battling the White Armor Army!

The first ones to act were the 122 Howitzers of the Manchu Empire, as they launched multiple rockets at Tian Mu Town.

Hong! Hong!!

With the loud explosions ringing and the rain of projectiles from the skies, many places were blasted apart.

Yue Zhong had organized for the survivors in Tian Mu Town to retreat earlier, however, under that blanket of firepower, there were numerous survivors and warriors that were either heavily injured, or killed.

As they were bombarded, the soldiers of Tian Mu Town had low morale. If it wasn’t for knowing the fact that everyone will be killed once the Manchu forces invaded, these soldiers would have long fled for their lives.

Li Guang came up to Yue Zhong and muttered, “This cannot go on! Leader! We need to handle their artillery!!”

Li Guang had a resolute look as he said, “Leader, let me take some men to go deal with their artillery! Even if this old one dies, I will go down making sure those Manchu dogs go down with me!”