Meat Grinder!

After making short work of 5 White Armor soldiers, White Bones leapt down from the debris and scuttled up a building like a ghost. It continued along the dark alleys, ready to strike out anytime.

3 White Armor soldiers were continuing along the wasted parts of town, when all of a sudden, a dark shadow leaped out from behind them. Their heads flew through the air as their headless corpses slumped to the ground.

Tenpyo Saka disappeared into the darkness again, having killed those 3 soldiers. Her strength laid in assassination and with such a complicated terrain and dark environments, it was naturally the best condition for her.

The 190 members of the White Armor army had scattered around in town and their assault had just gone on for a short while when 30 of their members were disposed of. This forced them to gather again to proceed as a troop.

As they reformed, their speed naturally slowed but their defence became tighter, making it hard for anyone to launch sneak attacks.