
Ao Dou looked at the tendrils and vines stretching out all over the ground within the barracks and frowned, "Those Mutant Plants are truly something else, any suggestions?"

Zheli Mu thought deeply before replying, "Bullets! Weapons are ineffective. Fire, they seem to be afraid of fire! We can get those with fire-based abilities to deal with them."

Ao Dou countered, "That may be true, but they are too numerous, even if all the flame users were to expend all their energy, it’s impossible to burn the entire thing."

Zheli Mu laughed out confidently, "No need to worry! I’ve observed for a while. They might look like countless vines, in fact, they’re all from a single source. As long as we can take down the main trunk of the Mutant Plant, all the vines will die out."

Zhemu Li didn’t only possess strength, he had high intelligence and was always observing the battlefield, quickly discerning the crux of the problem.