Raiding the Underground City!

When Yue Zhong heard that, his heart sank, "Over 800 people controlled by parasites?!"

Every single one of those freaks possessed a dangerous strength, and it was hard to deal with them. To eradicate them entirely, it was truly going to be an uphill task.

Yue Zhong continued to ask, "Where did you see Zhao Kuang?"

Han Sha Sha’s eyes flashed with a dark look, "In the animal testing lab. It’s rumored that there was the place where biological weapons were produced and tested. Zhao Kuang had holed himself up there since the apocalypse. We also saw him there. However, other than me, the rest of my friends had already died, or were brought to be infected."

"Open up!! Please open up!!"

"Open up!! Let us out!!"


There were the sounds of rapid banging from the entrance of the tunnel, while the panicked sounds of the survivors traveled from behind. They were banging the door while screaming and shouting to be let out.