Mongol-Manchu Alliance!

Out here in the vast Central Plains, beside a lush lake, there was a grand and awe-inspiring golden tent. Within the tent, there were a dozen men in traditional Mongolian attire standing respectfully in two rows. On the central seat of the emperor, a young man of about 27 or 28 sat there, his stature was commanding, with an eagle-like gaze and a hook nose. He had handsome looks, and he was the publicly recognized Mongolian King, Hu-Er Ran.

Bo-Er Zi was currently venting his grievances with bloodshot eyes, "My King! Our Grey Wolf Riders were wiped out by those crazy Han dogs! Our flocks have also been burnt! Over 1,800 of our fellow Mongolians have died at the hands of those sick bastards! We seek your help in eradicating those damnable Han dogs!!"

Lie Ming Yi had seemingly transformed into a bloodthirsty demon, going on a massacre everywhere he went. For each faction he struck, he would release the Han slaves, and slaughter all the Mongolians, Turks and Manchurians.