Yue Zhong arrives personally! The might of the Laser Gun!

Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed with a solemn look, "That’s right! I’m here! I will go to fight together with you guys on the frontlines. From now on, we definitely must not retreat a single step!"

"Yes!" Li Guang’s heart shuddered, as he quickly passed the order.

"Leader is here!!"

"Leader Yue Zhong is here!!"

"We’ll definitely win!! We’ll definitely win!!"


Yue Zhong’s arrival soon spread through the entire battlefield, and the soldiers on the frontlines instantly cheered in a resounding roar, and their morale instantly skyrocketed.

Hong! Hong! Hong!

Round after round of artillery fire rained down upon those evolved zombies, blasting them into pieces. Zhuo Ya Tong wore a black leather suit and brought a heavy mace that weighed at least a few hundred kgs and was about 3m long, charging to the frontlines with a few Evolvers and began to mash the evolved zombies.