Intense Battle with the Apostle!

Harriman weaved in and out of the soldiers like a demon, clawing the brains out of the Evolvers, as fresh blood splattered everywhere in a horrific manner. Strength-based Evolvers were killed instantly by him, while Agility-based Evolvers could barely withstand his first blows with their blades before they were killed by the second. In just a short breath of time, 6 Evolvers that had followed Yue Zhong since Vietnam, and had killed many enemies of his, were instantly killed.

Yue Zhong pointed at Harriman and bellowed, "Yin Shuang!! Kill him!!"

Yue Zhong’s strength was tyrannical, but his speed could not compare to a quadruple-attribute Evolver with a Second Order Demon Transformation. If Harriman attacked him, he could still endure and take on the blows, but he had no way of preventing him from killing his subordinates.

"Yes! Father!! Yin Shuang will go kill him now!" Yin Shuang smiled brightly at Yue Zhong, before shooting forward with the speed of sound, aiming for Harriman.