Arrival of the Beast Horde!

By now, the Central Plains had an established governing cabinet, and the troops had cleared out the zombies near Zhang Kou City according to plans.

Having secured the control of Zhang Kou City, Yue Zhong then led the 1st Regiment and its armored division, the 2nd Brigade, the 3rd Brigade and stationed them in Zhang Kou City.

After resting for a few days, Yue Zhong personally led the 2nd Brigade and 3rd Brigade, together with the 10,000-strong army of the Greater China Alliance, as they made their way towards the granary in the city.

The Greater China Alliance also sent out their long-time commander Zhang Jian Xing, their strongest Evolver Zhen Da Long, as well as the crafty Evolver Su Xing He.

Along the way, although both troops maintained their guard against each other, both sides had the common goal of taking down the granary. Hence, while tension was high, there wasn’t any exchange of fire.

Under those conditions, both armies entered Nan Min Town.