Strange Land!

Based on Yue Zhong’s personality, if someone had tried to rape a woman in front of him, he would definitely have blasted off his head without saying anything. However, it was just that he didn’t care for Kang Ryu Chan much as well, and decided not to deal with the naked man yet.

The naked man chuckled a little, before returning to his group. He did not choose to antagonize Yue Zhong, as his guts told him this man was terrifying, should he attempt to, he would most likely die.

The fangirl who had her clothes ripped by Kang Ryu Chan had a complicated gaze, as she stared at Yue Zhong deeply, before walking over, "Thank you!!"

After that, she returned to her friends, without so much as a second glance at her idol, and the whole bunch of them joined the rest of their friends.

When the scene was over, this group of survivors that had been thrown into the 2nd World had already segregated into different groups.