Type 5 Divine Warrior Radis!

Radis had a wistful look as he asked, "Yue Zhong, is it? Has the Gates of Hell reopened?"

Yue Zhong replied, "That’s right! The Gates of Hell have reopened."

When Radis heard it, he sighed lightly, as a look of anguish flashed in his eyes, "Is that so? Seems like this planet is going to welcome another period of Silencing!"

Yue Zhong became curious as he asked, "Silencing? What does that mean?"

Radis had a desolate look as he replied, "This period of Silencing, refers to a period similar to an Ice Age. There will not be any sunlight, and the entire planet would be covered in ice. The temperature will plunge to less than 10 degrees, and most life forms would freeze to death. Such an atmosphere would last for 300 years, after which, the planet would revert to its original state."