Burning Carl to Death!

Screams and wails filled the entire place, while the 8 ladies on stage trembled in fear.

Mandy Zhang had received the love and care of Gretto, and she braced herself to ask, "My liege if things go on like this, the entire Qing Zhang City will be gone."

Many of the men were businessmen and mercenaries from all corners of the world. They were the source of Qing Zhang City’s wealth as well. If the news of this were to spread out, then the prestige of Qing Zhang City would go down the drain. Few would come, and there would not be any opportunities to flourish anymore.

Gretto had always maintained the peace of this city and did not allow hunting parties in broad daylight, purely to keep the reputation of Qing Zhang City intact.

Carl looked at the sensual Mandy Zhang and laughed cruelly, "Gretto, I want to eat this woman. Do you object?"