Type 5 Saint Clan Member, Sitolius!

Yue Zhong watched the Flesh-Eaters launching an assault on the base and frowned, "Crafty bastards, they actually use such a small force to attack the headquarters!"

Hua Du had been extremely careful to deploy only 40 RH2s and a hundred Type 3 experts to attack, not dumping all of his troops. At the same time, Hua Du himself stood far away, with no intention of getting closer.

Gong Chang Tian laughed bitterly, "That’s natural. We had self-destructed a base before, killing a Type 4 Flesh-Eater in the process. That was the only time we managed to eliminate one. With this lesson, they are definitely more careful. Furthermore, our strength is weak, if you weren’t here, these units that he sent is more than enough to wipe us out."