Entering the Ship!

Bai Yi spoke quickly, "However, I know the layout clearly, and know where the central location is. Head right!!"

Without any hesitation, Yue Zhong followed Bai Yi’s instructions and ran to the left.

"Hold it right there, damn humans!!"

Yue Zhong and his group had just run forwards about 200m, when 6 Type 3 Flesh-Eaters appeared, pouncing towards them with bloodthirsty expressions.

The bodies of the Type 3 Flesh-Eaters were their strongest weapons, hence, they did not bring along any modern firearms.

Facing the sudden appearance of 6 Type 3 Flesh-Eaters, Gong Chang Tian and the rest felt anxious, knowing that these freaks were strong, and should they be held here, more would swarm over soon.

"Shaxi! Injure them! Don’t kill them!"

"I’m not your subordinate! Don’t order me around!!"

Shaxi declared coldly, before shooting forward like a shooting star right into the midst of the 6 Flesh-Eaters, slicing them into halves.