Level 10 Treasure!

Yue Zhong’s Third Order Dark Dou Qi surged, as he pushed himself with his Shadow Steps. His body twisted and he dodged to the side.

4 of the velociraptors bit down on air, while the other 2 managed to land a bite on Yue Zhong’s body.

The sharp teeth of the 2 velociraptors tore through the Type 4 Mutant Sea Snake hide, the Level 5 Defense Vest, tearing into his body. The force of the bites caused a few of his bones in the right shoulder to shatter, as fresh blood flowed.


Shock flashed in his eyes, the speed of these velociraptors could already surpass Type 4 Divine Warriors.

Facing these vicious beasts, Yue Zhong dared not stay any longer, with a thought, he channeled his Devil Flame, blasting towards the velociraptors.

In an instant, the 6 velociraptors were engulfed by the roaring Devil Flames.

A bright white light flashed from the bodies of the velociraptors, resisting the burning of the Devil Flames.