God-Devil Nucleus!

Both parties were still clashing with each other, when all of a sudden, Sibica gritted her teeth and charged towards the Low-grade Dino-General.

The Dino-General’s eyes congealed, the lance in his hands lifting up. At that instant, as he burst out with an incredible aura, he sent multiple piercing thrusts towards Sibica.

If she forced her attack, she would definitely be turned into a sieve. Before she even got to the Low-grade Dino-General, she would be heavily injured or even killed.

At that moment, Sibica shone with her own Radiance of Life, her speed increased by another 30%. Her body twisted at a strange angle, dodging the danger.

Even so, 3 of the lance lights pierced her body, resulting in 3 bloody holes.

Suppressing her pain, she swept out with her right claw, piercing through the Dino-General’s heart and crushing it within her palms.