Sun Warriors!

Vulture Valley.

Inside the forest, amidst silence, a hundred soldiers in white armor, wielding white battle spears were following the lead of a general in silver armor.

"Attack the city, get Yue Zhong’s head, you’ll be free to do whatever you want for a week!" The leader wearing the silver armor and holding a huge battle ax was Kisame Shinji, tasked by Takahiko Shinya for this mission. He pointed to the wall and barked out.




Hearing his words, the 100 warriors immediately radiated a bloodthirsty aura, as they all got excited and charged down the hill, their fighting spirit pushed to the extreme.

The one-week free period meant that after they conquer the city, they could pillage and rape without any punishment. Such a reward was extremely effective in raising morale, causing them all to be extremely motivated.

"Enemy attack!! Enemy attack!!"