
The Type 5 Diplodocus continued to rampage throughout Sun Alliance City, its tail swinging across multiple buildings. Everything was being destroyed, and the casualties count was rising.

The elite soldiers were easily crushed like ants beneath the Type 5 Diplodocus. Many people were crying and screaming as they tried to flee in various directions.

Yue Zhong rode on Greenie’s back, appearing within the luxurious palace in a breath.

He had just leaped down from Greenie’s back when 8 elite soldiers wielding long spears charged out suddenly, thrusting towards Yue Zhong.

He flashed about and evaded their strikes, dashing through their midst.

The 8 soldiers felt their eyes vision go blurry, and their bodies were instantly sliced in countless pieces, as blood splattered everywhere.

After casually killing 8 Sun Alliance soldiers, Yue Zhong pulled out a small handheld computer with a radar component attached.