The Oriole Behind!

Liu Mei’er’s face contorted as she shouted, "Sis! The entire Storm Valley has been under my management! What have you done? You’re just someone stronger and have been entrusted by our Great Mother, that was how you became Storm Queen! What other qualifications do you have to receive the love and admiration of our people? While I have to remain beneath you?! In terms of strength, yes, I’m just initial Type 4 Divine Warrior, and can’t compare to you. But in everything else, I’m far above you. The entire Storm Valley has been managed well at my hands, you have no right to be queen! I should be the ruler of Storm Valley, the true Queen of Storm Valley."

"As to your future King Rikudo Bikuma, he has long since gotten tired of you, who don’t understand men at all." Liu Mei’er smiled, stretching out her leg towards Rikudo Bikuma.

"Many thanks, Queen!"