Huge Flood! Turn the Tides!

A huge flood was flowing out in all directions of Green Region, the moment they brushed past the dino-warriors, the dino-warriors were submerged and swept away.

It was like a disaster that struck, and as the waters churned towards the direction of Storm Valley, the dino-warriors caught up along the way were swept along as well.

At the same time, there were some powerful water-based Mutant Beasts that appeared and swallowed some of the dino-warriors.

Ku Ichimine quickly rode his Pterosaur and flew up in the air. With a glance, he could see the large water body inching closer towards their position, countless dino-warriors struggling under the water, before being swallowed up by Mutant Beasts.

Once the overlords of the land were submerged, they could not even best the water-based Mutant Beasts and were easily swallowed up.

He saw the incoming flood and his face fell, "Shit!! Quick!! Quick!! Everyone attack!! Get into Storm Valley!!"