Intense Battle!

Yue Zhong eyed them and barked out coldly, "A bunch of fools! Now that the Dino-people have already broken in, based on their nature, they will definitely wipe you all out! The only ones willing to help you guys are us!! What you should be doing is to fight against those beasts and Dino-people, not us!! You want to make enemies out of us as well?!"

After that, he turned to Lars with a heavy killing intent. This male warrior had tried his patience time and time again. If it was not for the upper-class Winged people all around, he would have acted to kill this Lars a long time ago.

Hearing Yue Zhong's words, the faces of the Winged people turned pale. They knew the nature of the Dino-people. With them, as long as they attacked, they would make a clean job out of it.