The Lion Opens Its Jaws!

Inside the honeycomb city, Greenie swooped down from the skies, pouncing on one Monitor Lizard. It pecked down viciously, and its sharp beak went through the head of the Monitor Lizard.

At the same time, its claws dug into its body, causing fresh blood to flow out of the puncture marks.

The life force of the Monitor Lizard was still strong, allowing it to struggle furiously.

Greenie flapped its wings and soared into the skies, dragging the Type 4 Prehistoric Monitor Lizard with it.

On the other side, Lightning had also pounced on the back of another Monitor Lizard. It opened its powerful jaws to bite down on the neck of the lizard, tearing off a huge chunk of flesh.

The Monitor Lizard let out a howl of agony. Just as it wanted to retaliate, a powerful ice shard show out and pierced through its body, injuring it heavily.