
"They're coming!" Yue Zhong saw the Dino-warriors and readied his Electromagnetic Gun.

A number of electromagnetic beams blasted out on the bodies of the Dino-warriors, causing bloody holes.

Dorothy, Doreen, Lai Wei and a number of other Winged elites wearing their Storm Battle Armor readied their bows to fire at the Dino-warriors.

The strongest of the elite Winged warriors had taken part in the assault this time, and each arrow shot out like a shooting star, penetrating the bodies of the Dino-warriors in a shower of blood.

In the tunnel, one particular arrow was fired at one Low-Grade Dino-General.

The Dino-General reached out to swat the arrow aside, only to find that the force behind it exceeded its expectation. It penetrated through his right hand, going through his body, causing blood to spray everywhere.