
Yue Zhong sucked in a breath of cold air, "400,000?! Is he crazy?"

He did not expect to come across such a sick pervert who would resort to such means In order to become stronger.

Li Cheng Shan stared at Yue Zhong and continued, "It isn't just 400,00 anymore. Before we came to Blood Red City, based on our intelligence, over 800,000 had already died at his hands. We wouldn't have gathered so many like-minded compatriots otherwise."

"800,000 humans?! Monster!!"

When Yue Zhong heard the number, he could vividly imagine the mountain of corpses sacrificed. His heart turned cold, while at the same time, his wariness increased. This was the problem of dictatorship. The moment a tyrant appeared, it would be the downfall of the entire country, because there would be almost no challenge or way to control the tyrant.