Red Dragon Pill!

Yue Zhong's pupils narrowed, his Third Order Gravity Manipulation activating. A strong gravitational force spread out and enveloped the approaching Type 4 expert.

When enveloped by the gravity force, the body of the Type 4 expert sunk slightly. Yue Zhong punched out with his fist covered in Devil Flames, and the moment the flames touched the head of the Type 4 expert, it consumed him. Amidst his miserable screams, his head was reduced to ashes.


Luo Hai watched his vice-commander killed in one second and he was filled with shock. His second-in-command was also a peak Type 4 expert, together with the enhancement of the Type 4 Battle Suit, he could even reach the initial stages of Type 5 realm. Yet, he was killed by Yue Zhong in a single strike.

The other Type 4 expert thrust out with a spear, aiming for Yue Zhong's heart like a coiling dragon.