Battling Agu Ya!

Agu Ya continued to wreak havoc amongst the Prism Laser Cannons. As he rampaged, from time to time, there would be laser and electromagnetic beams that blasted at him, only to be blocked by that layer of black energy shield.

On this Xue Luo Fort, Agu Ya was a one-man army, seemingly invincible. Numerous Mech-Fighters came up to block him under Bai Yi's controls, only to be smashed into pieces.

Inside the command center, Zheng Yan He's heart turned cold, "He is a Type 6 High-Grade Dino-General."

Hearing this, everyone inside the center turned pale.

A Type 5 Dino-General was already an invincible existence in close combat, therefore, the appearance of a Type 6 Dino-General was equivalent to a calamity.

The 1st Fort had been breached by a Type 6 Dino-General before. At that time, the entire 1st Fort had been detonated, causing everyone within to die, only then were they able to eliminate that Type 6 Dino-General.