Halfway Down, the Last Fort!

Countless beams shot out from the Storm Battleship, and a huge energy shield formed, encompassing the Battleship.

The face of Emperor Ba Long fell, as he stepped through the air, arriving in front of the Battleship. He sent a fist wrapped in the Black Energy, blasting towards the shield.


Following a loud impact, Emperor Ba Long's fist was able to send a terrifying shockwave all around the shield, the ripple almost breaking it apart.

"Warning! Warning! Due to the attack from a Type 7 expert, the Energy Shield's defense ability has decreased by 1%!"

After that strike from Emperor Ba Long, alarms rang throughout the entire Storm Battleship.

The massive Battleship's shield could not diffuse the power of the Emperor Ba Long, it was truly a testimony to how powerful he was.

Yue Zhong swiftly ordered, "Leave here immediately!! Head for the Xue Luo Fort!!"
