The Seeds of Division!

The Dino-Warriors had not retreated far behind, when there was a movement from their ranks, as they split in the middle.

A number of humans walked out with projectors.

Then, the beams shot out, forming a 10m-tall image of Luo Yi.

Luo Yi spoke loudly, "How do you do people. I'm Luo Yi, the new King of Cloud Country that Emperor Ba Long has kindly appointed. As long as everybody can fulfill Emperor Ba Long's single condition, His Majesty is willing to leave Cloud Region, and sign a peace treaty with us!!"

Luo Yi's voice resounded from the various amplifying equipment, traveling in all directions. All the soldiers within the city heard the words, and everyone jolted.

The Dino-Warriors and their vassal forces were extremely strong, this was something all the human soldiers could see. Any single one of them could tear apart dozens of the humans. Furthermore, humans were naturally fearful of death, hence, they were unwilling to continue fighting.