
Yue Zhong did not place the Heart of Hope into the Reaper. Instead, he kept it back into his storage ring. He wanted to keep this trump card hidden.

After keeping it, he came to the Gate of Hell and stepped right through it.

The moment Yue Zhong entered the Gate of Hell, it closed shut, and the space around it contorted and twisted before the Gate of Hell disappeared.

Back on Earth, inside a city, the Gate of Hell suddenly appeared. When it opened, Yue Zhong walked out.

As he stepped out, the gate closed shut and disappeared in a blinding fashion.

"Where is this?"

Yue Zhong took a look at the surroundings, discovering that he was in the midst of a zombie-infested city center.

Masses of zombies in tattered clothes and emitting foul, rotting smells, running over in a frenzy to bite him.

Yue Zhong pulled out his Black Tooth Blade, swinging it casually, and the zombies were all turned into slices.