
However, even if he felt a sense of unease, he had no intentions to delve further. After all, this was Korea, and he was not Korean. He would not stay long anyway.

Right at this time, there was a loud commotion some distance away, "Haha, everybody look, this Chinese bitch dared to bite me. Say, how should I deal with her?"

"Burn her!!"

"Burn that bitch!!"

"Burn her!!"


A number of Korean thugs were hollering in excitement.

Although Yue Zhong could not understand the language, he was attracted by the loud noises and turned to check out the source.

At a crossroad not far away, there was a pregnant woman hung on a cross, her hair disheveled and her face swollen.

Below the cross, there was a stack of firewood. A handsome man with dyed yellow hair and slightly tanned skin held a blazing torch, laughing maniacally as he tried to incite the emotions of the people.