
Li Fei San laid in the embrace of the Korean lady, crying out loudly, "It's him! It's him! He's the one who hit me. He's a Chinese, not Korean. He doesn't have an invitation and just barged into the party. Ni Ni, you must stand up for me!"

The commotion managed to attract the people around. Those who had been just observing came closer, and upon hearing that Yue Zhong was a Chinese, their eyes were filled with disdain and enmity.

The Korean lady, Kim Da Ni, turned around immediately and stared daggers at Yue Zhong and Jung Ri Soo. She shrieked out, "So it was you two shameless Chinese?! Security, capture the both of them! Throw them in jail!"

"Apprehend them!"

"Damn Chinese, as expected, their bearing is so lowly, I wonder how they sneaked in."


In the room, everyone looked on with disdain, pointing and muttering at Yue Zhong.