
Yue Zhong continued to drive through, killing a dozen of Flesh-Eaters before arriving at the Revival Assembly base.

Currently, there were Flesh-Eaters and Vampires everywhere, slaughtering humans.

The soldiers had been cleaned out once by Yue Zhong, leaving only 200 Puppet soldiers.

These 200 Puppet soldiers could only defend a few key locations and were helpless to the rest.

One could see the slaughter of the Koreans at the hands of those Flesh-Eaters and Vampires, while screams rang throughout the air. It was like hell.

"Damn it!"

Yue Zhong blasted the heads of a few Flesh-Eaters as he cursed out. No matter how strong he was, it was impossible for him to save the thousands of people here. Defending was always tougher than offense.

Yue Zhong immediately went to the command center and held the fort, while deploying the 200 Puppet soldiers out.

They formed units and began to fight back, rescuing numerous survivors.