Controlling the Zombie Horde!

Poliyaeva responded, "This is one of the Treasures of Hope, Sealing Mirror. With 9 Mutant Beast nuclei placed on the altar, it could cause the abilities of experts within the range of 30 li to be sealed, leaving behind only the flesh strength. The time to prepare it is 5 minutes. The higher the quality of the Mutant Beast nuclei, the higher the level of the experts sealed. Type 5 nuclei could seal experts of the Type 6 realm and below. Type 6 nuclei could seal experts of the Type 7 realm and below. The limit is the Type 9 realm.

Yue Zhong looked at the Sealing Mirror and frowned, "A Treasure of Hope? While it seems powerful, to the human race, it's barely useful."

The physique of the human race was weaker than the foreign races. By sealing the skills and abilities of the enemy as well as ally forces, in terms of flesh bodies, unless everyone had Yue Zhong's physique, it was just a bad move to the rest of the humanity.

Yue Zhong asked, "How do I take it down?"