Yue Zhong’s conditions!

Yue Zhong glanced at Lekov, and spoke sharply, "Russian Empire? You're here this time to pay damages?"

The Russian Empire had joined hands with the 4 other factions to attack China under the directive of the Kingdom of God. Had Yue Zhong not gotten back in time, his empire would have been severely undermined. He did not have a favorable impression of the Russians. If he did not have so many things to handle and worry about the possibility of a nuclear weapon in the Russian Empire, he would have brought his troops to attack them.

Hearing his sharp words, Lekov continued without skipping a beat, "I personally feel apologetic for the unhappy events between our 2 countries. However, the main cause of this misunderstanding was the Kingdom of God. Our esteemed Tsar does not wish for our countries to abandon the friendship and alliance. We hope that we can work together to deal with the Kingdom of God as well as other enemies of our human race."