Slashing down the Apostles!

Ereben's sharp blade slashed through the air, surpassing the sound barrier as he thrust towards Ji Qing Wu.

Evan stared at that move, frowning, "Strong! This woman is finished! The Apostles are truly something else."

Almost all the experts showed a look of pity, as though they had already seen Ji Qing Wu being shredded.

Yue Zhong's face sunk as his eyes flashed with a killing intent, and it poured outwards from him.

All around him, the Apostles, and superhuman soldiers all felt their chests constrict, as though there was a vice grip on their necks.

Edward and Leo also frowned, releasing their own pressure to balance Yue Zhong's killing intent, stabilizing their own subordinates.

On the field, Ji QIng Wu remained cool, as though she had not felt Ereben's move.