
After his evolution, Yue Zhong opened up his tablet, asking Bai Yi, "Any discoveries?"

Being a Super A.I., Bai Yi possessed a calculation and analytical ability far surpassing any human. She immediately replied with a few images, "There're ordinary wild beasts around these parts, their strength estimated to be at the Type 2 or Type 3 realm. 40km to the west of here, there's a human city."

As Yue Zhong heard her explanation, he observed the images.

Within the forest, there were many wild beasts roaming about, every one of them covered in scales and horns, their expressions ferocious and savage. However, there was no sign of any similar beings to the bug-eyed monster that attacked Yue Zhong.

In the end, within the last display, Yue Zhong saw a human city clearly, and the city seemed to be bustling with activity.