Saint Land’s Saint Lord!!

Inside a dilapidated city, Yue Zhong was stepped on a bloody radiance that was condensed in a disc as he soared above. He followed the signs on the plate in his hand, each time he came across an alien, the Bloody Radiance would sweep past and turn the alien into an emaciated corpse.

"I've finally evolved to such a stage. I can be considered a true expert at the peak."

Yue Zhong watched the aliens dying easily under his hands, and thought with a sigh. The weakest aliens were at least at the Type 4 realm, while the Type 5 ones were the most common. Had it been a year before, just a single one of them could have killed him easily. However, they were the ones dying like ants in front of him. With a single thought, he could annihilate them however he wished.

Inside a lavish palace on top of the mountain, the Saint Lord sat atop a throne built out of crystals and Type 5 Mutant Beast nuclei, while 4 good-looking people, sat below, 2 men and 2 women.