
"Sir Yue Zhong, this way please!"

After the dance, Yue Zhong was escorted towards a room under the envious gazes of the other men, led by Duanmu Bing Xue.

When he stepped into that room, he saw that the furnishing was just like a 5-star hotel back on earth, extremely luxurious and well-equipped.

He swept Duanmu Bing Xue a glance and spoke in a superior tone, "You may be dismissed, I want to rest."

Duanmu Bing Xue trembled slightly, although she was a servant in status, other than Hong Xia and the other Palace Lords, no one had dared to speak to her like this.


However, she recovered quickly, responding in neither a servile nor arrogant tone, and retreated out of the room.

Once she was gone, Yue Zhong flipped his hand, and the tablet containing Bai Yi appeared.