Besieged South Origin City!

The various beautiful cultivators of the Clear Wind Martial School also came up to him and kneeled, "Please save our Master!! Please!"

On Uros, the relationship between a master and disciple was extremely close, almost equivalent to that of parents and children. Although Bai He Lian was traditional and old-fashioned, she was extremely good to her disciples.

"Fine! I'll save her this once."

Yue Zhong swept Bai He Lian a look and immediately pointed at her. A small red liquid shot out from a bottle that appeared out of thin air and went into the wound.

The moment the red liquid touched her wound, it stopped bleeding, and the wound began to twitch and heal, stabilizing her condition.

Yue Zhong swept her a look, "Alright, she won't die."

"Thank you, Sir Yue Zhong!!"

The women of the Clear Wind Martial School rejoiced, as they quickly gathered around Bai He Lian.