The Beastmen Race!

Somewhere in Europe, near to the original capital of France, Paris.

In the skies, there were countless fighter jets, bomber planes and unmanned drones firing at the ground.

On the ground, the explosions rang out incessantly.

All over the chaotic battlefield, a number of Beastmen warriors covered in scales, their heights between 3 to 6 meters, were currently engaged with the soldiers of the Kingdom of God that had undergone the Beast Transformation technique. Both sides were clashing viciously, as though beasts of different sizes were slaughtering one another.

In the skies, about 5km above the center of the battlefield, there were large floating devices the size of clouds, and on them, similar monsters of about 3m to 8m stood.

One of them had a single, black horn on his head, with a snake-like visage, and a human-like body. He eyed the battle below and laughed, "These humans are interesting, to be able to create Beast Transformation warriors."