Yin-Yang Palm!

Yue Zhong looked at the Heaven-Piercing Bow in his hands with appreciation, "Good treasure! I've gained big this time!"

Initially, he had proposed the deal with Zombie King Limo in order to build some relations, where both sides stood to gain. He did not harbor much hope for the treasures, therefore, he was pleasantly surprised to gain such a powerful battle weapon.

Holding the Heaven-Piercing Bow, a sense of blood resonance transmitted from it, feeling Yue Zhong with joy and familiarity.

"Time to test it!"

Upon gaining the weapon, Yue Zhong stepped out of the Protector Battleship and soared into the air. He then went to the outskirts of Berlin.

Wielding the bow, his gaze narrowed, and with a thought, the Heaven-Piercing Bow radiated with power as it absorbed a portion of his energy.