Taking over City 67!

Inside a villa, a burly man with a knife-scar on his face was currently watching a stage with a cruel expression.

On the stage, 2 young girls of about 11 or 12, wearing white leather suits, were currently wielding sharp blades as they slashed at each other in a crazed manner. Their gazes were savage, while their bodies were covered in blood. They were just like wild beasts.

The burly, scarred man laughed savagely, "Not bad!! Kill her, Aisha! After you do, I'll let you have meat and cakes tonight. Hahaha!!"

One of the girls, with golden hair and blue eyes, and her little mounds were developing, had a fierce glint in her eyes. She roared out in rage and charged towards the other girl, who was black.

"You're a beast."

Right at this time, Yue Zhong's enraged voice sounded.

The scarred man turned around, and his face sunk, barking out, "Who the hell are you? Men, capture him!"