Entering Headquarters!

 Yue Zhong and Pova entered the tunnel, only to be surrounded by 8 soldiers.

 The leader, a burly man, shot them a stern glare and barked, "Show your identifications."

 "Go to sleep!!"

 Yue Zhong swept them a glance and muttered coldly, as a powerful will pressed down upon them.

 In that instant, the soldiers guarding the tunnel were knocked out by the pressure.

 Yue Zhong then pointed at those soldiers, as runes shot out and entered their brains, turning them all into puppets.

 The soldier that had tried to block Yue Zhong earlier, saluted and said, "Qian Hao greets Master!"

 The rest of the soldiers also got on their feet and saluted Yue Zhong uniformly, "Greetings Master!"

 Pova, who had been witnessing all these from the side, turned pale, as she thought back with fear, "Terrifying!! What a strange power!! If I had not revealed the headquarters earlier, I would have been like these soldiers."