Slaughtering the Asuras!

"This is a Domain! It is truly strong, and he actually comprehended it at the Type 7 realm. As expected of an Oracle, he has already surpassed even the talented geniuses of our Clan. However, there is too much of a difference in our strengths, and we can definitely overwhelm him! Battleaxe Domain, appear!"

Asura Lei Hao faced the incoming demonic energy, and he exuded a powerful combat aura, dispersing the manifestations. He then laughed coldly, as the energy pouring out from him formed his trump card, the Battleaxe Domain.

At that instant, with him at the center, the powerful domain surged forth, smashing into Yue Zhong's Devil Domain.


Following a loud sound, the entire Devil Domain was shaken and was on the verge of collapse. It was restrained by over hundreds of meters.