Subduing the Zombie King!

Upon seeing Yue Zhong, Bai Xiao Sheng immediately saluted him, "Leader!"


The rest of the military officers behind also stood up to salute, eyeing him with an excited look of reverence.

Yue Zhong had built the entire state up from nothing and was the number 1 expert on Earth. He was also the protector of China, thus, there was nobody in China that did not know of him.

Many of the military officers had been in half-doubt of his strength, thinking that there were areas that were definitely exaggerated. However, today, they've seen for themselves, that he was easily a hundred times stronger than what the rumors said. They had seen how he took out over 10,000 zombies in a single slap. With such a strength, he was already on par with the gods and devils of the myths and legends.