Type 8 Mutant Bug!

Yue Zhong used all of his strength, and arched his body back, as the terrifying blade sliced past his chest, causing a deep gash where one could see the bone and blood was flowing.

With a thought, he activated his God-Devil Domain once more, and a huge region of about 60 km was enshrouded by his domain.

At the next moment, he willed it and retreated about 5 km, standing within the God Domain. His gaze swept out at the entity that had launched a sneak attack on him.

That life form that almost sliced Yue Zhong in half was a huge Type 8 Mutant Bug that had a pair of wings, forelimbs like praying mantis, pincers like ants, with thick and power locust-like legs. As it stood straight, it towered at 2 meters.

The moment the bug was shrouded by the Devil Domain, it was immediately assaulted by the devilish energy, and its speed was instantly reduced.