Eliminating a half-God!

Hong! Hong! Hong! Hong!

Following a few earth-shaking explosions, the entire floating island started to crumble under the intensity of the battle, as pieces and shards started to descend from the sky.

Yue Zhong had already launched more than a dozen thousand punches at Aji Hong, who was forced back hundreds of meters, as he spat out golden blood.

Aji Hong stared at the Gold Battle Armor, his eyes flashed with disbelief and he roared with discontentment, "You're wearing a Gold-Grade Treasure!! How?!! How could you have 2 Gold-Grade Treasures?!"

One single piece was incredibly precious, each time one appeared, there would be an intense bloodbath. Furthermore, most of the current known Gold-Grade Treasures were in the hands of Type 9 powerhouses. If a single Type 9 powerhouse was known to possess one, it would be incredible. Yet, Yue Zhong actually possessed 2 of such treasures, Aji Hong was naturally aggrieved.